Our Work
Building Boxes
Making and installing nest boxes was where Chirk Swifts and House Martins really started. Between 2021 and 2023, we created 100 nesting spaces for Swifts in the local area.

Making Internal Swift Nest Systems
In our own home, we wanted to create a more permanent, easy-to-monitor Swift nesting system. We installed Swift Brick 'slips' connected to internal boxes in the loft and played attraction calls. After just a few months, 2 pairs had taken up residence. Learn more about this project here!
We now offer an internal nest box building and installation service.

Making Caller Systems
Caller systems are the best way to get Swifts and House Martins to check out your nest boxes and cups. We make bespoke callers to go with our boxes to help make your colony start fast! Learn more about caller systems here.

Monitoring nest sites is one of our most important jobs in the summer. Swifts and House Martins are faithful to their nest sites and we owe it to them to preserve their nests for years to come. We survey the town for nests, including Chirk Aqueduct, record numbers and liaise with homeowners that host these amazing birds.

Introducing Swifts in Church Towers
Bell towers are perfect locations for internal Swift nest boxes. We installed 4 boxes in St Mary's church in Chirk in spring 2023. A pair claimed one box in the same summer and will hopefully return in spring 2024 to have their first brood. We are now working on other local churches. Want Swifts in your church? Get in touch!

Events and Talks
Chirk Swifts and House Martins would be nothing without our wonderful community of bird lovers. We engage with our community through talks, bird watch events and information stands. Contact us to book a talk for your group!